Deck description below.
1. First 4 cards are your bread and butter. Prioritize these before proceeding with other cards in the deck.
2. 6~10 cards can be taken in any order depending on what you or your team needs.
You can opt to replace [EMT Bag] with [Field Surgeon] for more healing efficiency but this will reduce your use speed.
This however, can be negated by [Combat Medic] but I prefer the extra use speed so I use [EMT Bag] instead.
Additionally, [Charitable Soul] and [Group Therapy] works best after increasing your healing efficiency.
3. 11~15 cards are optional and can be changed depending on your preference.
In this deck I stacked some stamina, speed, and a bit more damage.
If you have noticed, revive speed isn't added earlier since I often revive only after the horde.
Reviving during the horde usually downs your teammate again and further increases their trauma.
Use defibs instead when you really need to clutch revive teammates.