At the start of each level, heal 15 Trauma Damage, then restore any missing Health.
When you take a single hit for 15 or more damage, heal 10 health over 5 seconds.
+ 20% Trauma Resistance
+ 75% Accessory Damage - 25% Swap Speed
+ 30% Stamina Regeneration + 5 Health
+ 1 Offensive Inventory + 25% Swap Speed - 5% Offensive Accessory Cost
+ 20% Stamina + 20% Stamina Regen + 3% Move Speed + 5 Health
+ 20% Stamina + 20% Sprint Efficiency + 5 Health
+ 50% Accessory Damage - 15% Ammo Capacity
When you kill an enemy, gain 5 Stamina instantly and an additional 7 Stamina over 7 seconds, stacking up to 5 times.
+ 1 Extra Life + 15 Health + 25% Bleed out Resistance
1 Additional Frag Grenade spawns in each map.
+ 25% Team Explosive Damage + 20% Team Explosive Resistance
You have an additional 10% chance to not consume Accessories when used.
Each Cleaner gains 5% of their total Copper in each Saferoom.
+ 25% Accessory Damage