This build is best used with a Tac-14 Primary for specials and a Tec-9 Secondary for clearing.
The first thing to note is these cards in the deck are not to be built in a left to right matter but placed in a way that you can switch up the build as the match progresses. I would take Hyper-Focused, Money Grubber, Ammo Stash and (Run Like Hell/Quick Kill/ Mag Coupler) as your first 5 cards.
If you need to focus more on clearing hordes then getting Mag Coupler & Widemouth Magwell are good cards for that. Another good part about that is that it's not wasted on the shotgun as it increases the Tac-14's Fire Rate.
For focusing more on killing Specials then you'd want to focus more on shotgun increasing the Accuracy with Quick Kill and Hunker Down to 90% which shrinks the spread of the shotgun turning it into more of a slug round which deal massive stagger damage as well as kills quickly.