My most general speedy DPS deck.
Surplus Pouches is best final card for any build. Marked for Death is mandatory for me unless there's a better marker on the team.
Regenerate ammo via Ammo Stash by repeatedly dropping secondary weapon of corresponding ammo type needed.
[2022-01-23T00:17:32-08 Sun] Dropping Broadside and Steady Aim for Marathon Runner and Surplus Pouches. Kinda gets lost after Marathon Runner. Damage or speed? Proly more FOMO on speed. Otherwise, Confident Killer and maybe Knowledge is Power or some other WS dmg.
[2022-01-25T20:49:30-08 Tue] Dropped Glass Cannon 'cause too squishy. Dropped Marathon Runner. Added Confident Killer and Power Swap.
Renamed from FOMO to Econ Stash.
[2022-01-29T04:33:39-08 Sat] Dropping Power Swap for Patient Hunter