"Make deck called RUN FOR YOUR F***ING LIFE and just max out movement speed and stamina and do what the deck suggest" -
strawberriesmocha, 2022-01-18T09:24-08
But I'm not a speedrunner.
Surplus Pouches is best final card for any deck. Marked for Death is mandatory for me unless there's a better marker on the team.
Reckless is a good combo with Mad Dash, if anything. Natural Sprinter too. But if you suck, replace Reckless with Speed Demon (SMG). (I suck.)
Never remembered to use Run and Gun. Thus removed to try Pep in Your Step. Trying Adrenaline Fueled for the true (skilled) run-&-gunner😉 and for the novelty. Trying Natural Sprinter for novelty. Otherwise, add Energy Bar then Rhythmic Breathing. Or Shredder to support.
Novelty cards gotten early to test sooner but still only after staples. If you want to try new things but only slowly/rarely, move novelty cards to end of deck.