This build is best used with a Tec-9 seconary for clearing (Rarity doesn't matter, grey will still 1 tap commons with Hyper Focused.) The Primary I prefer is the Tac-14 so that I could stagger specials. The build however would work with a Barrette, LMG or another SMG (If You really need to clear that badly.)
The first thing to note is these cards in the deck are not to be built in a left to right matter but placed in a way that you can switch up the build as the match progresses. I would take Hyper-Focused, Money Grubber, Ammo Stash and (Run Like Hell/Quick Kill/ Mag Coupler) as your first 5 cards.
If you need to focus more on clearing hordes then getting Mag Coupler & Widemouth Magwell are good cards for that. Another good part about that is that it's not wasted on the shotgun as it increases the Tac-14's Fire Rate.
For focusing more on killing Specials then you'd want to focus more on shotgun increasing the Accuracy with Quick Kill and Hunker Down to 90% which shrinks the spread of the shotgun turning it into more of a slug round which deal massive stagger damage as well as kills quickly.
If your team needs more damage you can always grab Shredder and Marked for Death to increase damage to specials by 25% The Tac 14 shoots out 12 bullets so you'd just need to shoot twice to get the full 15% from Shredder.