When you or your team kills a Mutation gain 1% damage (up to 15%) until the end of the level.
Every 0.75 seconds you Aim Down Sights increases your Bullet Damage by 10% (up to 3 stacks).
While shooting, gain 1% Damage, 1% Fire Rate, and 5% Swap Speed every 0.25 seconds. Max count of buffs is 20.
+ 25% Damage - 30% Health
Mutations you ping are highlighted and your team deals 10% increased damage to highlighted enemies.
When you kill an enemy, gain 5 Stamina instantly and an additional 7 Stamina over 7 seconds, stacking up to 5 times.
+ 15% Melee Stamina Efficiency + 20% Melee Attack Speed + 15% Bow Stamina Efficiency + 20% Bow Attack Speed
+ 5 Health + 10% Melee Stamina Efficiency + 20% Melee Attack Speed + 10% Bow Stamina Efficiency + 20% Bow Attack Speed
+ 30% Reload Speed - 5% Damage Resistance
+ 30% Accuracy
+ 20% Accuracy + 10% Weakspot Damage + 15% Aim Speed + 15% Recoil control
+ 20% Team Bolstered Health + 5 Team Health
After you kill a Mutation, the next time you damage a Mutation is guaranteed to cause them to Stumble.
+5% Stumble Damage
Gain a stacking 4% increase to Damage each time a Horde is called up to 6 stacks (30-second cooldown between Hordes). Stacks are reset when a Cleaner is incapped or killed.
+ 10% Weakspot Damage Allows players to see values for damage they deal and enemy health bars.