The standard AR build designed to rip, shred, and tear through ridden and mutations. Below is an explanation for the use of the cards shown here.
Money Grubbers is instantly a starter card to generate income early for mostly you and the team.
Weapon Scavenger is a next pick to (hopefully) get a decent weapon & attachments without getting stuck with a dull grey tier weapon.
Tactical Vest is a must with the AR, along with Hyper Focused and Shredder to deal a considerable amount of damage.
Marked For Death is beneficial in the case of a Mist card and overall more damage your team can pull. This card can be replaced with your own choice if someone else is running this.
Run Like Hell and Superior Cardio helps the cleaner in kiting in certain emergencies.
Silver Bullets and Confident Killer add even more damage on top of your currently upgraded weapon so far.
Cards 11-15 are benefit cards - they are not needed but they can aid the fight even further (Widemouth, Patient Hunter, Fleet of Foot, Ammo Belt, Reload Drills)