+ 10% Team Stamina + 10% Team Stamina Regen
Turns your Bash into a Knife that counts as a Melee weapon.
- 10% Health
+ 1 Team Extra Life
+ 10% Team Ammo Capacity + 3.5% Team Damage
+ 40% Reload Speed with Shotguns.
Heal 1 Temporary Health whenever you kill a Ridden within 2.5 meters.
+ 10% Weakspot Damage Allows players to see values for damage they deal and enemy health bars.
Your secondary weapons have unlimited ammo. Your secondary weapons reload 20% slower.
When you use a Medical Accessory, it has a 25% chance to have a 100% increased effect.
Melee kills heal 1 Health and 0.1 Trauma.
When you throw an Offensive Accessory, gain 20 Temporary Health and 25% Sprint Speed for 5 seconds.
Kills with Secondary guns have a 5% chance to spawn ammo, Molotov, or a Bait Jar.
+ 40% Melee Damage Your Melee Attacks cause cleave through enemies dealing damage in a large area.
When using Shotguns, gain 0.25 Temporary Health for each pellet that hits.
Each Melee kill grants 5% Melee Damage, 5% Melee Speed and 5% Move Speed for 3 seconds.