Holly main attempting to whip up something unique to Evangelo, for when I'm looking to change it up. Chose the Mean Drunk route. For best results, use Hatchet/Axe. First things first: Bye-bye sprint. The combination of Run Like Hell/Fleet of Foot/Hellfire/Dash boosts our base movement speed by a solid 30%, along with Evangelo's 5% character bonus. Marathon Runner also softens the blow of losing of sprint, and helps us avoid damage to keep Run Like Hell procc'd. Moving in serpentine patterns is key - it consistently jukes ridden. Think of yourself as a battlebot with a chopping weapon. I specifically wanted to keep ADS in this build, so no Meth Head. I use Brazen+Slugger as an alternative. Berserker for the extra movement speed, Adrenaline Fueled so it's not such a drain on stamina. Some extra damage cards for later in the game, because I honestly just enjoy the ability to chop through locked doors in one hit. So satisfying. The damage also helps because I didn't take any weakspot cards. This build is middle-of-the-pack, in terms of effectiveness, but 10/10 when it comes to fun. Definitely promotes a unique style of play. To my fellow Holly mains: Give it a try if you ever get tired of holding doors.