+ 20% Team Bolstered Health + 5 Team Health
+ 20% Team Overheal + 5% Team Healing Efficiency
+2 Extra life
+10% Reduced Incap Trauma
You can sense nearby Offensive Accessories.
More Offensive Accessories spawn.
After you kill a Mutation, the next time you damage a Mutation is guaranteed to cause them to Stumble.
+5% Stumble Damage
When using Shotguns, gain 0.25 Temporary Health for each pellet that hits.
Killing Ridden with an Accessory has a 10% chance to drop an Accessory.
You have an additional 10% chance to not consume Accessories when used.
+ 75% Accessory Damage - 25% Swap Speed
1 Additional Frag Grenade spawns in each map.
+ 25% Team Explosive Damage + 20% Team Explosive Resistance
+ 2 Offensive Inventory
You can sense nearby Copper.
More Copper Piles spawn.
+ 50% Weakspot Damage - 40% Move Speed while shooting or melee attacking.
When a teammate is incapacitated or dies, they drop an active Pipe Bomb.
Enhances Bash to stun nearby enemies. Refreshes after 10 seconds.
Gadget Cost: 30 Sniper Rifle bullets.