Each time your team loots Copper, you gain 3 additional Copper, up to 25 times.
1 Additional Frag Grenade spawns in each map.
+ 25% Team Explosive Damage + 20% Team Explosive Resistance
+ 75% Accessory Damage - 25% Swap Speed
+ 20% Sprint Speed - 40% Sprint Stamina Efficiency
+ 30% Rifle Ammo Capacity + 10% Damage with Assault rifles and LMGs
When a horde is triggered, your team gains 20 Health.
While crouching, gain 10% Damage Resistance and 40% Accuracy.
When a horde is triggered, your team restores 10% Ammo and gains 10% Move Speed while firing, 15% Reload Speed, and 25% Swap Speed for 30 seconds.
+ 50% Accessory Damage - 15% Ammo Capacity
+ 50% Ammo Capacity + 15% Reload Speed
+ 50% Reload Speed DISABLES: Aim Down Sights
+ 50% Accuracy DISABLES: Aim Down Sights
+ 2 Offensive Inventory
Gain + 10% Damage Resistance while you have Temporary Health.
+ 1 Offensive Inventory + 25% Swap Speed - 5% Offensive Accessory Cost