If you want to weed whack through everything you see with relative ease and stay near full health through it all. I recommend using fire axe, or maybe hatchet if you can’t find a fire axe. Bat will work too, but you’ll want to stagger tall boys, as the bat can’t one shot them I don’t believe. Hatchet doesn’t either but you have so much attack speed with the damage that It doesn’t matter. I’ve finished veteran, looking forward to nightmare! I will re edit this later, I wrote while sleep deprived and on my phone! <3
For Econ, my team runs all money grubbers, and another play has opted to take a copy of copper scav as well (they play support classes).
Berserker is insane, especially in higher difficulties. Stacking speed, damage and attack speed is what gives this build the very robust feel and power. Damage resistance is also really, really good. Battle lust and face your fears prevents trauma and keeps your health topped up. Batter up, spiky bits and hyper focused give you the oomph against mutated ridden when you don’t have access to stacks. Hyper focused also works on your gun, may you have reason to use it. The gun I would recommend using would be the mp5, but the ump45 and the AA12 also work wonders for me. That’s personal preference though, just keep in mind no ads. For stamina, I opt for meth head (also gives you attack speed for the beginning of hordes), adrenaline fueled and natural sprinter. AF and NS cancel each other’s downsides out, giving you bonus stam, stam effeciency, as well as stam/stam regen on kill. Given that we’re playing on holly, stam isn’t an immediate issue. Speed cards because speed is just too good, and grenade pouches because grenade pouches allow you too play drags for hags and just in case you get horded by a bunch of crushers. Grenade pouches is more of a personal pick, you could throw in more copper cards, life insurance, or whatever fits your play style tbh.
Side note: Refuse to play mean drunk, that card is a trap at higher difficulties, I get the same affect with berserker and batter up, and I play those cards anyways. Attack speed plus damage is good enough, I don’t need to add to it and disable my sprint. I also took out vanguard, it just seems not as good. Your teammates aren’t likely close enough to get value off of it, and if they are, they risk getting smacked.