The Devil's Return - Combat Knife
1.) Resurgence - Copper Scavenger
2.) Tunnel of Blood (Ogre) - Combat Training
3.) Pain Train (Grain Elevator) - Cross Trainers
4.) The Crossing (Bridge) - Natural Sprinter
Search and Rescue
1.) A Clean Sweep (Breaker) - Two is One And One Is None
2.) Book Worms (Library) - Break Out
3.) Bar Room Blitz - Marathon Runner
The Dark Before the Dawn
1.) Special Delivery (Supply Crates) - Energy Drink
2.) The Diner - Ridden Slayer
Blue Dog Hollow
1.) Bad Seeds (Farm) - Vitamins
2.) Hell's Bells (Squeaky Turtles) - Offensive Scavenger
3.) Abandoned (Mines) - Surplus Pouches
4.) The Sound of Thunder (Howitzer) - Pyro
- Well Fed