Check my profile for other builds made by me.
Credential's: 500+ hours in Nightmare running various builds.
A solid team composition will always consist of a sniper that deals with mutations and is your primary DPS for them. Your entire job is to sit beside them and guarantee they survive and don't lose their Jim passive stacks or HP in general.
In general the role of a healer class is considered to be the role with the least impact in the game focused entirely on carrying and healing medical supplies with negative damage and no pressure. But with broadside alone you can coordinate your team to allow every common ridden to funnel into a doorway or into one pathway enabling your head shots to turn into volatile explosions that clear multiple ridden in a single bullet conserving your team's ammunition and hp from being overwhelmed.
From there Field Surgeon scales better than Poultice but will be weaker in the super early game till you unlock green support accessories. At green rarity bandages will heal +18 from Field Surgeon (oppose to +20 from Poultice), pain meds give +30 extra temp health, and first aid kits will heal an additional 45. Only strength Poultice has over Field Surgeon is healing on pain meds. Albeit you want to use those in emergencies and less for in between combat. If you have a coordinated team everyone should switch over to bandages and not carry pain meds at all.
Needs of the many unless you're playing Mom or have a Mom on your team. In this case consider taking 'Tool Belts' to give +1 Quick Inventory slot to your entire team for an additional defibrillator, tool kits, and barbed wire.
Rousing Speech and Life Insurance Combo provides a 35% reduction to incap trauma which is only stronger when playing doc as her passive is an additional 25% upping it to 60% reduction to incap trauma. In total 60% trauma resistance from incaps. This is insane value and should keep your team extremely healthy over the course of an entire level. This is only further made doable to upkeep full hp or near full hp by the fact wall med kit stations provide a free charge even on nightmare, and there is a new burn card Urgent Care that heals your team 15 trauma, plus 15 healing for just making it to the safe room.
Box O' Bags over Should Bag every time in the early game because you get 4 slots instead of 2 just spread across your team an additionally you need all the damage you can get early into your run till your team gets blue weapons and deeper into their deck. You subtracting 10% damage is not going to help the team out. Convince your team to switch over to bandages for in between fights over pain meds.
Charitable Soul gives you 50% of the healing so you never have to heal yourself as you shouldn't be a priority target of the AI. Stingers and hockers should have a clean line of sight on your team over you, as you should be watching your team's 6 ensuring you don't get flanked. Unless you're funneling them into an area where broadside is being used which should be equally if not more safe than when walking forward through the swamps, city, or forest. Bottom line never heal yourself again and only heal teammates, clear exceptions apply.
Medical Professional now comes online when you have a surplus of copper to buy First Aid kits. Or at this stage in the game your team is more likely to go down. Now you'll want to use defibrillators to revive teammates that recently got knocked down to revive them, reset the down, and heal some trauma before the defibrillator applies it's 40%/ 60%/ 80%/100% healing.
Run Like Hell just enables mobility to keep up with your team, run to an ally and protect them, general mobility and kite potential if you're the last one alive. Keep in mind, please, survival is a priority over damage. If you see a Tallboy your first reaction should be to run and get some distance then shot. Rinse and repeat. If you're not comfortable enough to wait last minute before moving, move in advance to prevent them from hitting you.
Headband Magnifier supplements not only offsets Field Surgeon's negative use speed but also provides you a bit of additional use speed to do day to day tasks, revive faster, and take your allies off walls if they permanently go down.
Poultice can be picked up late into the game offering you +20 healing per support accessory used including pain meds at this stage in the game. This comes out to be about the same healing as EMT bag on bandages but doesn't have the drawbacks of negative stamina efficiency. For First Aid kits and Pain Meds you're usually overcapping anyways. Only in niche scenario's such as a full tank melee taking canned goods + hydration pack combo would it be more beneficial to grab EMT bag and slap them with pain meds over Poultice.
Amped Up gives you breathing room with poor coordinated teams negating the first 50 points of damage they take. Or in well coordinated teams an HP buffer for the first 1/3rd of a map if you're going quick. This card can overcap your health providing your team 150/100 unlike how Pain Meds work.
Marathon Runner is a newer card in terms of it's play-ability. Prior to the December patch it came with the downside of disabling sprint. Now as someone who is in the back, someone that is often least likely to be threatened by tallboys sprinting at you. This is the mobility card of choice. Front liners like shotgun users should still take Mad Dash. But for your role in defending your DPS Marathon Runner will suffice.
Shoulder Bag + Utility Belt: These two cards is to round out your build giving you -20% damage in total super late into the game. Your team should have blue or purple weapons at this time and your damage is negligible for mutations. You still will be able to one shot common ridden so you may utilize Broadside, but mutations will take you a minute to kill solo. But that's no longer your job. Carry extra defibrillators and bandages or first aid kits if you're rich. And finish up the Act.