This deck theory is intended for a melee Holly player. You should be using the strongest hatchet or fire-axe you can find. Choose the highest quality/level one available, even if it does slightly less damage and has considerably more mobility. You'll be crouched, hacking back and forth and will be glad to be able to move a little more. For a "primary" I use a TAC or a Super90 to range down spitters/hockers, and boomers. Armor Penetration ammo and Laser-dots are your desired mods, ADS speed is literally wasted, swap speed and move speed are equally good.
'Heavy Hitter' means your basic bash action (not a melee until you have a knife technically, this matters in a sec) one-shots all regular zombies with a single head-shot, even on nightmare. something to do with stumble damage "breaking" a weak-spot, and for normal zombies and breakers, when you break a weak-spot it deals a large amount of damage to the zombie, killing it outright.
For the first few levels I rely on this mostly, while I get enough cards to melee down tallboys and hordes and keep my health and copper up. From early on, you have 'Down In Front' so feel free to crouch near your friends and swing like a mad-woman when things get scary after you pick up that card, and always aim for the weak-spot. Hatchet and axe works best for this and the only drawback you might be thinking of, the glow-heads? you might be surprised to learn that bash action with 'Heavy Hitter' will one-shot them without triggering their suicide bop. I think... this is because bash is technically not a melee attack. Seemsweirdbutok.jpg
'Money Grubbers' is the most effective copper card you can pick, it stacks, and produces more copper than your team will know what to do with if everyone brings it and 1 person brings scavenger. you may be tempted to try to outsmart this and switch the cards around, 4 scavengers + grubbers, but its not as good. you'll get much more copper overall with 4 grubbers and a scavenger. 75% more, possibly.
the rest of the cards are self explanatory. this deck is based on the assumption you will have holly's stamina regen ability, swap breakout for adrenaline fueled and possibly bump it up a few slots for Evangelo, IDK.
Leave any feedback in the comments, I'll check back over the course of a week or two. GL out there cleaners ;)