+ 25% Damage - 30% Health
+ 15% Damage Resistance + 10 Health DISABLES: Aim Down Sights
+ 50% Ammo Capacity + 15% Reload Speed
+ 1 Offensive Inventory + 25% Swap Speed - 5% Offensive Accessory Cost
Each time your team loots Copper, you gain 3 additional Copper, up to 25 times.
Melee hits always Stumble Ridden the first time they are hit. This effect can only occur once per target.
Killing Ridden with an Accessory has a 10% chance to drop an Accessory.
+ 50% Reload Speed DISABLES: Aim Down Sights
+ 30% Weakspot Damage DISABLES: Aim Down Sights
+ 30% Accuracy
+ 50% Accuracy DISABLES: Aim Down Sights
+ 10% Bullet Damage + 15% Effective Bullet Range
+ 125% Use Speed When you take damage, you have a chance to be blinded for 1 second.
+ 20% Sprint Speed - 40% Sprint Stamina Efficiency
+ 25% Weapon Swap Speed + 15% Recoil Control + 15% Accuracy