Each teammate gains 100 bonus Copper at the start of each level.
Gain 250 bonus Copper at the start of each level.
You can sense nearby Copper.
More Copper Piles spawn.
Each time your team loots Copper, you gain 3 additional Copper, up to 25 times.
When you or your team kills a Mutation, gain 10 Copper (up to 300 per level).
+2 Extra life
+10% Reduced Incap Trauma
You can sense Food Items.
Adds a moderate amount of food items to the world. Food items restore an additional 3 Health.
Allows disarming of doors alarms, car alarms, and birds. The target will trigger if you are interrupted. DISABLES: Quick Slot
Gain 25 Copper per success.
+ 10 Team Health
When a teammate is incapacitated or dies, they drop an active Pipe Bomb.
When you or a teammate becomes incapacitated, all teammates gain 30% Damage, 20% Reload Speed, and Unlimited Ammo for 10 seconds.
Enhances Bash to stun nearby enemies. Refreshes after 10 seconds.
Gadget Cost: 30 Sniper Rifle bullets.
Teammates are healed for an additional 10 Health when revived + 50% Team Revive Speed + 10% Team Reduced incap Trauma
You can sense nearby Ammo.
More ammo spawns.
You can sense nearby weapons.
More weapons spawn.