When you take a hit for 15 or more damage, gain 25% Damage Resistance for 3 seconds.
When you take a single hit for 15 or more damage, heal 10 health over 5 seconds.
You can sense Food Items.
Adds a moderate amount of food items to the world. Food items restore an additional 3 Health.
At the start of each level, heal 15 Trauma Damage, then restore any missing Health.
+ 1 Support Inventory + 15% Trauma Resistance
+ 20% Trauma Resistance
When using Shotguns, gain 0.25 Temporary Health for each pellet that hits.
+ 30% Shotgun Ammo Capacity + 10% Damage with Shotguns
+ 40% Reload Speed with Shotguns.
+ 50% Ammo Capacity + 15% Reload Speed
When you stow your weapon, it reloads.
+ 15% Reload Speed + 25% Aim Speed + 25% Weapon Swap Speed + 25% Use Speed
+ 15% Trauma Resistance + 5 Health + 20% Fire resistance
+ 45 Health - 25% Stamina
When a teammate within 5 meters is attacked, you instead receive 75% of that damage. Can trigger once every 5 seconds.