At the start of each level, heal 15 Trauma Damage, then restore any missing Health.
1 Additional Frag Grenade spawns in each map.
+ 25% Team Explosive Damage + 20% Team Explosive Resistance
+ 10 Team Health
You can equip a Primary weapon in your Secondary slot. - 25% Swap Speed
Allows the ability to unbolt attachments from weapons outside of Saferooms. Unbolting attachments cost 400 Copper.
Additional copies of Weaponsmith played reduce its cost by 100 Copper.
Turns your Bash into a Knife that counts as a Melee weapon.
While crouching you neither take nor deal Friendly Fire damage. + 10 Health
You can sense nearby weapons.
More weapons spawn.
You have an additional 10% chance to not consume Accessories when used.
You can shoot while sprinting.
+ 2 Offensive Inventory
Gain 250 bonus Copper at the start of each level.
+ 35% Move Speed while firing with Shotguns. + 10% Damage with Shotguns.
+ 30% Pistol/SMG Ammo Capacity + 10% Damage with Pistols and SMGs
+ 75% Ammo Capacity - 5% Move Speed