Pills/Support deck meant to supplement a dedicated Doc healer and to be all about team support. Using this deck, you're just here to keep the pills flowing until Doc can slap a med kit on the serious injuries and doing as much as you can to improve general quality of life for the team.
Money grubbers improves copper economy as we all know by now, and support scavenger makes it easier to keep everyone topped up. If your Doc also started with it you should keep your slots full most of the time.
Poultice heals regular health when you use pills, and group therapy gives a little to everyone every time we heal. Emt Bag and Shoulder bag next to have more pills and make them better. Also helps by improving the efficiency of group therapy when you heal yourself.
Experienced EMT to supplement Doc's and then, a personal favorite card lately, Saferoom Recovery to get extra breathing room before you start a level. Chemical courage next because we're constantly using pills, so why not make everyone's damage better while we do so.
After that it's mostly team quality of life cards except for RLH for personal mobility. Life insurance and Inspiring Sacrifice to make incaps hurt less, tool belts to carry an extra defib, and finally a boost to team health.
This deck doesn't work as well without a dedicated Doc. It's much harder to carry a team to the finish line by yourself, especially in the early levels, but once it gets going it works and works well. I've only used it on veteran to clear Act 3, but I think it's nightmare viable and a deck that I'll probably keep tweaking.