Crouch-hipfire DMG build for low ROF + high damage AR/LMGs while abusing Walker's +20% ACC passive on Ridden HS (or to make bent barrel guns usable).
Good base DMG (35%) plus marking ability, weakspot DMG (80%), with bullet DMG's multiplicative DMG nature (1.35*1.15 = 1.5525/+55.25% base DMG) (1.8*1.15 = 2.07/+107% weakspot DMG)
Great at killing stinger and reeker variants, and good for tallboy DMG. Most (monstrous) ridden take 2 shots to kill with green ARs except the M4, that thing sucks.
Shredder can still work as well for most ARs, but I prefer using Marked's +10% DMG dealt.