This deck has no revive cards. Let team know (anybody can revive).
If team has Needs of the Many, consider Life Insurance instead for team incap trauma resistance.
Experienced EMT still mitigates trauma despite what December update says.
Lean into Pain Meds because any temp health blocks trauma. Apply Pain Meds liberally before fights, especially boss fights, to buff teammates with Chemical Courage and Stimulants.
Surplus Pouches is best final card for any build. Marked for Death is mandatory for me unless there's a better marker on the team.
Consider Amped Up (as a starter). If you want healing efficiency, I'd try dropping Group Therapy, Poultice, or Charitable Soul. Proly Group Therapy.
[2022-01-25T06:17:35-08 Tue] Dropping EMT Bag for Surplus Pouches: best end card for any Act. The -use speed hurt. Marked for Death moved to 6th.