Jim sniper build that has strong damage and decent mobility foundation to build upon after the first 6 cards. Cards 1-6 will also dictate your playstyle. This has been a very useful deck for Veteran/Nightmare and I pretty much run this deck every time I play as Jim or as a ranged damage dealer.
You will have "Combat Knife" to keep common ridden off of you with the only type of common ridden you will have to worry about being the acidic ridden, just keep your distance from those guys. Volatile ridden (Acid heads) are not an issue as hitting their chest will prevent their heads from exploding. "Run Like Hell" will help you keep away from the Ridden, especially charred ridden, and while the accuracy debuff seems worrying, it should not be an issue since everything far to medium distance should be shot at while aiming down sights and anything in your face should be taken care of by either secondary or combat knife though even hip fire with a sniper hasn't been an issue with me when killing a ridden just a couple of feet away from me. "Steady Aim" will help your maneuverability and lethality when clearing rooms/areas as well as taking out a special as quickly as possible. The rest of the first 6 cards are huge regular and weakspot damage buffs.
Cards 7-12 add extra damage and build upon some of the weak spot and damage dealing cards from the first 6.
Cards 13-15 are just survivability cards and if you are playing Nightmare you will only be able to get to use one of the last 3 cards on Act 1 and none of them on Act 2 or Act 3.
If using a "Barrett" or "Phoenix" Upon getting the first 6 cards, even on nightmare, you will take out the stingers and their variations in one or two shots body shots; and a single shot if hitting the weakspot. Reekers and their variations will go down in 3-4 body shots and 1-2 shots in the weakspot. Bruisers and their variations will normally take 4-5 body shots and anywhere from 1-3 weakspot shots. This, of course, determines what kind of sniper you have but I normally run a "Phoenix" and by the time I got the first 6 cards it is normally an uncommon or if lucky a rare "Phoenix" which melts special ridden away. If you do decide to use an "M1A1" or "Phoenix" I found them great for taking out regular ridden because of their rapid-fire, bullet penetration, and even playing as the sniper you will be either at the top or near the top on Ridden kills.
-I highly suggest having your secondary being an auto pistol or Tec-9 for any common Ridden that get right in your face.
-You will deal insane damage, be able to aim fast, and maneuver fairly well with this build with the only real con being how slow you move when aiming down sights as it will be at a snail pace. However, being able to quickly go in and out of aim-down sights makes this not an issue and more of a playstyle you can quickly adjust to.
((There are some other damage dealing cards you could throw in but I just don't find them as useful.))
"Shredder" is not as useful as if you are shooting a special ridden with a sniper as it will die before the extra damage from the card is even useful unless dealing with a boss but even then the weakspot damage is more than enough to melt their health away.
"Marked For Death" is more a support card that gives other teammates the benefit but not for you, and is not as useful to give the low damage dealing medic a damage buff compared to giving the buff to the damage dealer. That being said it is a useful card to be used by whoever is ever running a support class character.
"Confident Killer" I don't think affects the weakspot damage multiplier like "Silver Bullets" and their variations do but this card can still be good if you want to throw this in your deck. It may not reach its full potential until you are halfway through a level as well.
"Glass Cannon" is a good regular damage card that is useful against the Bruisers and their variations. The issue with it, of course, is the major health debuff but if you are good at positioning yourself and staying away from the ridden it can definitely be beneficial. Also note, this may be a bugged too, it does not affect the weakspot damage multiplier like "Silver Bullets" and its variations do.
Reload speed cards can be beneficial if you wish to swap some of the lower tier damage dealing cards especially if you run with the Barett, while accuracy cards are rather worthless since you will be doing most of your killing aiming down sights and anytime you need to hip fire the ridden will be right on you making them hard to miss even with the accuracy debuff.
Lastly, ammo cards are not needed as if you are running the sniper only you and maybe one other should be using sniper bullets allowing for other teammates to pass ammo to you when you need it while you can give them AR/Shotgun ammo when they need it.